A Crow Mother by Raleigh Lomatska, 10.5 inches high. $275. The Qotsa Mana (White Maiden) with the Anaktsina carved on the body by R Howato is 6.25 inches tall. $200. The Kwaa or Eagle, also by Howato is 7.25 inches tall and $220. The swaying Nuvak Mana (Snow Maiden) is 12 inches tall and $400. (ALL IN TUCSON)

A duo of Anakchina/Longhair and Red Beard Longhair by R Howato. 12 inches tall. SOLD. The solo Anakchina (with a Hano Mana carved in the body) is 12 inches tall and carved by Calvin Pavatea from Polacca. $300. TUCSON

Above are four views of a nicely detailed Palhikwmana or Butterfly Maiden by Timothy Talawepi. She stands 12 1/8 inches high and is $600. (SANTA FE)

A great piece by Nuvadi Dawahoya. The two singers are 7.5 inches high and $1,275. (SANTA FE)

A Lenangwtaqa by Adrian Poleahla from Polacca. (TUCSON) This one is 11.75 inches high and $300. At right is a Hano Mana by D.A. Nehoitewa, she is 10 inches high and SOLD.